Privacy/Terms of Use
When you place an order or request information through our online website, we ask you to provide information which enables us to fulfill your request. This information may include your name, mailing address, phone number, e-mail address or credit card information (in the case of online orders). This information allows us to fulfill your request and to contact you in the event we have questions regarding your request or order. We do not know or collect your name or e-mail address unless you provide it to us.

JudyWigs does collect aggregate information about the pages which visitors review, including the sequence in which they are visited. We may also collect data volunteered by our visitors and customers, such as survey, demographic or product preference information. This information is used to improve our web site and the overall experience we provide to our customers, and is treated as confidential unless otherwise clearly indicated.

Customers who request printed catalogs or place orders through our website should read our policy regarding our catalog mailing list.

Notification of Change
We reserve the right to change this policy at any time. This privacy policy will be kept up-to-date and clearly posted on our Website.

From time to time, we may use customer information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our privacy notice. If our information practices change at any time, we will post the policy changes to our website to notify you of these changes and we will use for these new purposes only data collected from the time of the policy change forward. If you are concerned about how your information is used, you should check back at our website periodically.

Mailing List
You may request a copy of our catalog or other materials through our Internet site by providing the information required on the materials request form. We will then include you on all mailings with site and service updates, etc. send you a copy of our current catalog and add you to our catalog mailing list. Periodically, we may make our mailing list available to carefully screened companies we believe offer products or services that may be of interest to our customers. If you would prefer not to have your name shared with such companies, you may instruct us not to make it available by contacting our Customer Service department at 718-435-4444. If you tell us to do this, we will flag your customer record with a code indicating you do not wish to have your name provided to other companies and we will honor this request without hesitation.

However, please note that it may take a number of weeks before any mailings initiated prior to your request are processed and delivered. As a matter of policy, we do not disclose the names of companies to which we have provided names. Nor do we disclose the names of organizations from whom we may have acquired names for our own marketing purposes.

If you do not wish to receive ANY mailings from JudyWigs, you may also instruct us to remove your name from our catalog mailing list by contacting our Customer Service department at 718-435-4444.

Please note that by placing your name on the Mail Preference Service list, you are ONLY indicating that you do not wish to receive unsolicited advertising from organizations with which you do not already have a relationship. To remove your name from the list of an organization from which you have placed an order or requested a catalog or other information, you must contact that company individually to express your preference.

All online transactions in place now or in the future that require the exchange of credit card information are initiated and completed in a secure environment for the protection of our customers.

Ownership of Customer Information
As a direct marketing company, JudyWigs places a significant value on the information compiled about our registered visitors, catalog requesters and customers. This information is essential to the operation of our company and constitutes a corporate asset of substantial value. In any business transaction involving the purchase or sale of assets by JudyWigs or any affiliated business entities, this customer information may be purchased or sold just as any other piece of company owned property. By registering, requesting a catalog or making a purchase on our web site, you give us your consent to the purchase or sale of this information should such a business transaction take place.

About Links to Other Sites
Within our website, we may provide you with links to other companies or organizations which we feel provide useful information, services or products related to the JudyWigs website. While we believe these organizations to be reputable and committed to consumer privacy, we cannot be responsible for the policies or practices of those who have sites linked to ours.

How to Contact Us
We would be pleased to answer any questions you may have. You may contact us in any of the following ways:

Phone: 718-232-0018

Mail to: 5712 18th Ave Brooklyn NY 11204